Mycah Hunter's love for classic style shines through in her daughter's traditional garden-inspired bedroom! The delicate floral patterns paired with our crisp Flour curtains and pops of green create a timeless space for her little girl to grow with. Follow along to learn more about how Mycah designed the space with the help of Mackenzie Page Interiors!
First off, tell us a little bit about yourself!
I’m a grateful wife to my college sweetheart and mother to a five year old girl and two year old boy. We live in a charming Southern town that’s home to moss-covered canopy roads, beautiful rolling hills and old plantations. Most often you’ll find me cooking something healthy in the kitchen, clipping flowers in the garden or dreaming up ways to make our home a beautiful and inviting space!
What was the design vision for your daughter's bedroom?
I wanted the room to feel sweet, classic and feminine and that’s exactly what Mackenzie Page Interiors helped me achieve. We incorporated delicate floral patterns, ruffles, bows and of course lots of pink. It feels very timeless and nostalgic in the best, freshest way!
We love how you added a valence over the Flour curtains. Can you tell us a little about that design decision?
I love a valance! From a practical standpoint, it really helps block out light which is ideal in a nursery or child’s room. From a design standpoint, I think it elevates the room and gives a more high end look. Using your more expensive fabric on the valence vs. the drapes is also a good budget friendly trick since the valance requires much less fabric.

Walk us through how you chose your panel details!
Pepper Home could not have made this easier! I knew I wanted soft white or cream colored panels so I ordered samples of “Flour” and “Snow.” They came super fast and “Flour” ended up being the perfect compliment to the pink floral fabric I was using on the valances. I wasn’t quite sure what size to get, but thankfully the dimension calculator on Pepper Home’s website made this SO easy. It walks you through the process step-by-step to ensure you achieve the perfect tailored look for your drapes. Also, I am a big proponent of black out panels in a nursery/children’s room for solid naps and loved being able to easily add a blackout liner to the panels.

What tips do you have for designing a space that will grow with your little one?
Create a solid foundation so you’re not redesigning everything from scratch in five years. Accessories like bedsheets, pillows, lamps, and art are easier to swap out when tastes change. Invest in furniture that lasts! If you go the wallpaper route like I did, choose something versatile and timeless that can be mixed with different fabrics/bedding down the road.
We love everything about this room! Can you tell us about some of the other design elements in the space?
It’s so sweet isn’t it? Someone on TikTok said it was giving 90’s vintage Laura Ashley vibes and I love that. Reminds me of my childhood and my Grannie who would sew me dresses using Laura Ashley patterns and fabrics.
Some of my other favorite design elements are the ceramic bows by The Little Creative Company, antique Henry Link dresser (my best FBMP score) and the tulip chandelier that I secretly wish was in my room.